Early Stimulation Program at San Patricio International School

Respecting each stage and learning alongside your baby.

The stimuli children receive during their early years are essential for developing their senses, movement, thinking, and learning abilities.

Early stimulation provides significant benefits as it enhances optimal brain development by activating cognitive, linguistic, motor, and social functions.

Baby Bears classes are offered at both campuses, last 45 minutes, and are attended with mom and/or dad. Schedules vary based on the baby’s age.

Ages and Grades

BB 1

0 a 6 months

At this stage, it is important to help the baby adapt to their new life. Through tactile stimulation, exercises to strengthen their neck, abdomen, back, and arms, as well as sensory stimulation, their muscle tone will be developed, enabling them to sit up independently and interact with their parents and other adults.

BB 2

7 a 12 months

Babies need the freedom to explore crawling and handling objects, recognizing the intent behind their actions. Our babies are explorers, and during this stage, they strengthen their crawling skills and begin taking their first steps. Their level of interaction continues to grow.

BB 3

13 a 18 months

At this stage, babies become more independent and start to communicate, promoting socialization and language development. We will work on cognitive activities and motor planning skills.

BB 4

19 a 24 months

The balance and coordination of young children have improved, allowing us to further stimulate their autonomy, cognition, and fine motor skills, as well as problem-solving, imagination, creativity, and language development.

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