Admissions Questionnaire for the Well-Being Department


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The following questionnaire includes a series of questions to be answered about your child. We ask you to respond honestly. All information provided will be confidential and used exclusively for the SPIS admission process.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Student information

Date of birth

Family Context

People the student lives with
Personas con las que vive el alumno(a) 2
Personas con las que vive el alumno(a) 3
Personas con las que vive el alumno(a) 4
Personas con las que vive el alumno(a) 5
Personas con las que vive el alumno(a) 6
Personas con las que vive el alumno(a) 7
Has your child experienced separation or divorce?
Has your child experienced the death of a parent or a significant person?
Select the activities in which your child actively participates with the family:

Social context

When engaging in activities, your child prefers to:
Do you consider that your child socializes and integrates easily with others?
Is your child constantly in disagreement with others?
Does your child seek to be accompanied by others?
Do others seek your child’s company?
Does your child make friends easily?
Does your child have difficulty maintaining friendships?

School Context

Has your child repeated a grade?
Has your child skipped a grade?
Does your child have difficulty in any school subject?
Has your child required academic support?
Has your child been diagnosed by a specialist?
Indicate if your child requires specific support in any of the following areas (you may select more than one option):

Briefly describe your child's attitude in previous school years.

Additional information