Campus Cumbres Traffic Culture

컴브레스 캠퍼스 교통 문화


  • Please respect all marked signs (stop, no parking, yield, etc.).
  • We highly recommend carpooling in order to reduce vehicle traffic, especially during dismissal hours.
  • All students must be picked up through the Nemax app at the corresponding gate.
  • All cars must display the appropriate sign for the assigned exit gate.
  • Students attending extracurricular sports activities will exit through Gate C.
  • Students in extended care, whose dismissal is at 2:10 pm, and their older siblings will exit through Gate A.

Opening and Closing Times for Each Gate: ENTRANCE – ALL LEVELS

  • Gate A: from 7:20 am to 8:00 am – for Preschool and Elementary students
  • Gate B: from 7:20 am to 7:50 am – for Elementary and Middle School students
  • Gate C: from 7:00 am to 7:40 am – Exclusively for Middle School and High School students

Opening and Closing Times for Each Gate: DISMISSAL – PRESCHOOL:

  • Gate A: from 1:00 pm to 1:35 pm – PN, N, and K1
  • Gate PG: from 1:15 pm to 1:35 pm – K2 and K3


  • Gate A: from 2:10 pm to 2:40 pm – For younger Elementary students and their older siblings
  • Gate B: from 2:10 pm to 2:40 pm – For older Elementary and Middle School students and their older siblings
  • Gate C: from 2:10 pm to 2:40 pm – For Preschool students in sports and their older siblings.

Preschool Entrance

  • Schedule: from 7:20 am to 8:00 am
  • Gate: A

Parents must line up on Richard E. Byrd Street in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1.

Students should be dropped off at the main entrance through Gate A.

Upon exiting the institution through the Gate 2 booth, the only permitted turn is to the right, following the direction of the street.

Preschool Dismissal

  • Schedule: PN, N & K1 – from 1:00 pm to 1:35 pm / K2 & K3 – from 1:15 pm to 1:35 pm
  • Gate: PN, N & K1: Gate A / K2 & K3: Gate PG

Parents should form the entry line on Richard E. Byrd Street in the lane closest to the wall of the Bosques de las Cumbres neighborhood. At the designated crossing point in front of the booth, make a U-turn and enter through Gate 3. Follow the internal road within the institution (clockwise) and form two lines upon descending: one on the left side (outer school side) for those families picking up students only at Gate A, and another on the right side (school side) for those picking up students at Gate PG (formerly the sandbox area).

The line on the left side (Gate A), upon passing the playground gate, should move to the right, leaving the left lane free.

Cars exiting the loop after picking up at the playground will cross to the left lane to exit through Gate 2.

We ask you to yield in a 1-1 format when needing to cross lines.

Parents with students in both preschool levels (PN, N & K1 and K2 & K3) should first pick up the student at Gate PG and then proceed to Gate A to pick up the next student.

Upon exiting the institution through the Gate 2 booth, the only permitted turn is to the right, following the direction of the street.


Parents who have children in higher grades should line up accordingly, meaning if they are picking up students in K2 or K3 and also in a lower preschool grade (PN; N & K1), parents should enter and stop in line at the playground gate on the right side. We request this to avoid holding up the lines, as the dismissal time for K2 and K3 students is at 1:15 pm, not 1:00 pm like the rest of the preschool levels.

On Richard E. Byrd Street, when forming lines to enter the institution, both upon arrival and departure, ensure that there is always a lane open for traffic unrelated to the institution.

Elementary Entrance

  • Schedule: from 7:20 am to 7:50 am
  • Gate: A (recommended for Lower Elementary students)

Parents must line up on Richard E. Byrd Street in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Students should be dropped off at the main entrance through Gate A. Upon exiting the institution through the Gate 2 booth, the only permitted turn is to the right, following the direction of the street.

  • Gate: B (recommended for Upper Elementary students)

Parents must form a line on Richard E. Byrd Street in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Parents should enter the institution and follow the internal circuit (counterclockwise), forming a line on the right side (external to the school) marked with the letter B. Upon entering the Gate B area, two lines can be formed. For their own safety, it is essential that students get out of the car from the correct side (see the considerations section in this part). Once the students are dropped off, parents may continue along the circuit and exit through Gate 3, where only a right turn is permitted, following the direction of Richard E. Byrd Street.


Parents may drop off all their children of different grade levels at the same gate; it is recommended to do so at the gate assigned to their youngest child. At the drop-off point at Gate B, two lines are formed: one on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities) and one on the right side (adjacent to the central yellow circle). For their own safety, students being dropped off at Gate B should do so as follows:

  • If the student is being dropped off on the line on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities), they should get out of the car exclusively on the driver’s side.
  • If the parent is in line on the right side (internal to the B circuit), the student should get out exclusively on the passenger side and wait in the yellow safety circle until a guard indicates it is safe to cross.

Elementary Dismissal

  • Schedule: from 2:10 pm to 2:40 pm
  • Gate A: Parents should form a line on Richard E. Byrd Street (from east to west) in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Student pick-up will be at the main entrance through Gate A. Upon exiting the institution via Gate 2, the only permitted turn is to the right, following the direction of the street.
  • Gate B: Parents should form a line on Richard E. Byrd Street (from east to west) in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Parents should enter the school and proceed counterclockwise along the internal circuit, forming a line on the right side (external to the school) indicated with the letter B. Upon entering the Gate B area, two lines may be formed. For their own safety, it’s essential that students get into the car from the correct side (see the considerations section for more details).


  • Parents should pick up all their children of different grade levels from the gate that corresponds to their youngest family member.
  • At the pick-up point at Gate B, two lines are formed: one on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities) and one on the right side (adjacent to the central yellow circle). For their own safety, students entering the car at Gate B should do so in the following manner:
    • If the student is getting into the car from the line on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities), they should do so exclusively from the driver’s side.
    • If the parent is in line on the right side (internal to the B circuit), the student should wait for the guard to indicate it’s safe to cross and then enter the car exclusively from the passenger side.
  • In the event that an elementary student has preschool siblings attending sports classes, they should exit through the gate assigned to that specific sport.

Middle School Entrance

  • Schedule: from 7:20 am to 7:50 am
  • Gate B: Parents should form a line on Richard E. Byrd Street (from east to west) in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Parents should enter the institution and proceed counter-clockwise along the internal circuit, forming a line on the right side (external to the school) indicated with the letter B. Upon entering the Gate B area, two lines may be formed. For their own safety, it’s essential that students get out of the car from the correct side (see the considerations section for more details). Once the students have disembarked, the parent may continue along the circuit and exit through Gate 3, turning right onto Richard E. Byrd Street.
  • Schedule: from 7:00 am to 7:40 am
  • Gate C: (exclusive for middle school and high school students)

    Parents should form a line on Richard E. Byrd Street (from east to west) in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Parents should enter the school and proceed counter-clockwise along the internal circuit, forming a line on the left side (internal to the school) indicated with the letter C. Once the students have disembarked, the parent may continue along the circuit and exit through Gate 3, turning right onto Richard E. Byrd Street.


  • Only middle and high school students can disembark at Gate C.
  • Parents can drop off all their children of different grade levels through the same gate; however, it should be the gate corresponding to their youngest child.
  • At the drop-off point at Gate B, two lines are formed: one on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities) and one on the right side (adjacent to the central yellow circle). For their own safety, students disembarking at Gate B should do so in the following manner:
    • If the student is getting out of the car from the line on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities), they should do so exclusively from the driver’s side.
    • If the parent is in line on the right side (internal to the B circuit), the student should exit the car exclusively from the passenger side and wait in the yellow safety circle until a guard indicates that it is safe to cross.

Middle School Dismissal

  • Schedule: from 2:10 pm to 2:40 pm
  • Gate B: Parents should form a line on Richard E. Byrd Street (from east to west) in the lane closest to the median, entering the institution through Gate 1. Parents should enter the institution and proceed counter-clockwise along the internal circuit, forming a line on the right side (external to the school) indicated with the letter B. Upon entering the Gate B area, two lines may be formed.

    For their own safety, it’s essential that students get into the car from the correct side (see the considerations section for more details). Once the students have boarded, the parent may continue along the circuit and exit through Gate 3. When leaving the institution, turning right is the only permitted direction.


  • Parents should pick up all their children of different grade levels from the gate that corresponds to their youngest family member.
  • At the pick-up point at Gate B, two lines are formed: one on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities) and one on the right side (adjacent to the central yellow circle). For their own safety, students getting into the car at Gate B should do so in the following manner:
    • If the student gets into the car from the line on the left side (adjacent to the school facilities), they should do so exclusively from the driver’s side.
    • If the parent is in line on the right side (internal to the B circuit), the student should wait until the guard on duty indicates that it is safe to cross and then enter the car exclusively from the passenger side.
  • In cases where a middle school student has preschool siblings taking sports classes, the older siblings should also exit through Gate C, just like them.
  • Students not enrolled in any extracurricular activities should leave the school at their designated exit time. For the safety of the students, under no circumstances should they remain on the premises outside of the established school hours.
  • Students enrolled in extracurricular activities should stay in the cafeteria and covered court until their classes begin.